
Innovative design with flexible family living

The Avoca at Lewis Homes
Ceiling Height 2550mm  
Residence 230.51m² 24.81sq
Garage 39.72m² 4.28sq
Outdoor 35.54m² 3.83sq
Porch 13.89m² 1.50sq
Eaves 7.39m² 0.80sq
Total 327.04m² 35.20sq
Master Bed 3990x4550
 Bed 2 3670x3000
 Bed 3 3000x3880
 Bed 4 3000x3880
 Family 6500x5010
 Meals 4400x4140
 Lounge 4290x4550
 Outdoor 4080x8640
 Garage 6000x5990
Lewis Homes Shepparton

Lewis Homes are committed to '7 Star / Whole-of-home' (Victoria) and ‘BASIX’ (N.S.W.) energy efficiency systems and have an in house design team who are able to meet your needs and assess to satisfy all energy efficiency requirements.

VIC License: CDB-U66238 | NSW License: 80648C

Contact Us

Contact Sales Consultant:
John Dellar - 0437 758 571

Cnr Melbourne Rd & Kialla Lakes Drive, Shepparton VIC 3630
03 5823 2179
Click to see office location map

Areas Lewis Homes Build

Areas Lewis Homes Build